April 2011 NY Video Meetup

NY Video
29-30 Apr 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US
10.0 USD

The Best Meetup YET - amazing guests and the frosty cold beer of AOL. mmmm...


-What are Social Films?  Mike Knowlton will present Murmur,  and their very first film being distributed on Facebook. 

-Then,  explore the future of social viewing with Shelby.TV (@onshelby) Shelby.tv is an angel funded start-up company and part of TechStars. Reece Pacheco will present this company - still in alpha!

-Looking to see what New York's hotest content creation studio is up to? Chris Young -  the CEO of DBG (Digtial Broadcasting Group) will sit down for a one-on-one interview about his fast growing web network,  Jack Bauer,  and how TV and the Web are morphing together.

-And,  for a demo and cooks tour of New York's biggest locally grown music network - we'll learn about VEVO,  how it began, and where it's going.  Alwin Tong  and members of the content team wil present.

And - Special Guest Start Paul Kontonis - the newly named Chairman of the International Academy of Web TV (IAWTV) will tell us where the organization is going,  and what may be around the corner.

Location:  AOL HQ 770 Broadway 6th Floor New York, NY

And, as always thanks to our sponsors: AOL Video, Brightcove, Livestream, and Pond5


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