For this talk Adam Culp will introduce some tips and techniques for a stable, organized, and trouble free development environment that will help you get up and running quickly and efficiently. After years of managing successful teams, as well as working independently on projects, he knows a few shortcuts.
Please feel free to bring your own tips to share as well.
We will talk about:
- Zend Studio
- Vi
- Trac
- some basic config settings to streamline
- Subversion
- commit and pre-commit hooks
- user authentication
- Tortoise for Windows users
- LAMP environment (using Ubuntu)
- WAMP environment (using xamp)
- Code commenting
- @todo
- Bookmarks
- Mylyne
We will also talk briefly about some other ticket systems, project managers, version control systems, as well as some 3rd party hosted platforms.
This event is also listed at