Five minute lightning talks!

The jQuery Boston Meetup Group
14-15 Sep 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
Westin Boston Waterfront , Boston, US

Ok, it's time for a change of pace!

Instead of one speaker getting up and talking for an hour, we want you, jQuery Boston Meetup members, to get up and talk for five minutes. If you've been working on a really cool project, have a new plugin, figured our how to do something nobody else knows how to do, or just want to talk about JavaScript syntax for five minutes, tell us all about it!

Everyone is invited to talk, just RSVP with your talk idea if you're interested. Feel free to post and discuss five minute talk topics in the comments. We'll probably have up to 8 slots for people to speak.

So far, we have these talks, but have room for a few more!

  • Rick Waldron - sneak peak of some of the upcoming changes in jQuery 1.7
  • Adam - Low-maintenance code organization in common web scenarios
  • James - Using jQuery with CoffeeScript
  • Nate Morse - Using PubSub across client and server
  • Eric Strathmeyer - Using .delegate() instead of .live()
  • Liam Morley - Writing a game with node,, CoffeeScript and some jQuery

(Also, if this works out well, we'll do it again in a few months.)

Pizza & beer (thanks to  Media Temple) should arrive at 6:30pm, and the talks will get underway at 7pm!

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We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

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