Drupal Meetup: Report from DrupalCon London and Drupal scene in SE Asia

Bangalore PHP Users
Sun, 25 Sep 2011, 07:30 - 09:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Bengaluru, IN

Update! Microsoft has offered to host the event. The venue is now confirmed.

This is an interactive meetup where we aim to explore Drupal topics together.

Mr Sven Berg Ryen is visiting from the Drupal Meetup (Singapore) http://meetup.com/drupal-SG and hoping to meet up with Drupal freelancers and Drupal business people from Bangalore.


1pm. Welcome and registration

1.30pm. Introductions of participants

2pm. Presentation - reporting from DrupalCon London and Drupal in SE Asia

2.30pm. My favorite module - anybody is welcome to step up and present their favorite Drupal module

2.45pm. Drupal discussion - what's the major drupal issues right now? Challenges and opportunities? How about monthly Drupal meetups in Bangalore?

3.30pm. End

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“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.” - Rick Osborne