The Orlando PHP June Meetup

The Orlando PHP Meetup Group
4-5 Jun 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
Stardust Video and Coffee , Orlando, US

I'm not exactly sure why the February meetup copy keeps making the announcement list, but all the more reason for me to get in here and write something, right? :D

Well, last month's meeting was a little thin, compared to previous, but I'm glad you all showed up! We had a great time discussing strings and arrays with Chris Chubb and trading trade secrets with one another. I personally had an interesting discussion with David H and Tony about tree and mesh traversals, and it was great to have Don Organ, former organizer of the Long Is PHP User Group and new Florida native.

Based on his input and that of others in the group, I think it would be best to move our Zend Cert training to a dedicated meeting of its own and spend our regular meeting times discussing group business and socializing, with one regular presentation and one "lightning talk" presentation. That means we need volunteers... And suggestions!

I'm certainly happy to present on any topic the group would like to hear about, and I'm sure that many of our previous presenters would do the same. I think it will be helpful to everyone, as well, if we had an open Q&A session up front - an "Ask an Expert" panel, so to speak - so we'll start that this month, too. If you've got more than a basic understanding of PHP and are interesting in participating in the panel, drop me a line. I have no designs to be the "PHP guy"... so HELP!

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