Windows Phone / Azure Development by Dummies (Leo Junquera)

Thu, 5 Jan 2012, 18:00 - 20:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
University of Connecticut , One University Place, US

For the past 4 years my nose had been buried in spreadsheets, budgets, PowerPoint presentations, and meetings. Shortly after starting at Microsoft my manager challenged everybody in my role to come up with a better way to manage a shared spreadsheet. How could we get multi-user updating on-the-go? Here is how I got an app up and running using Windows Phone 7 and Azure. This is not a polished presentation by a MVP full of coding best practices. It is how I stumbled my way through a project using two platforms I have never touched before. It is essentially a coding by dummies for those who are interested in getting started or entertainment for the rest. Leo Junquera is a Technology Strategist for Microsoft. Formerly he was CIO of PartnerRe Capital Markets Group, a $20 billion dollar asset manager in Greenwich. Leo is a co-founder of the Fairfield/Westchester .NET and SQL Server User Groups. He has a background in development with a heavy emphasis on SQL.

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“Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight.” - Bill Gates