Silicon Valley Perl

Silicon Valley Perl
Fri, 3 Feb 2012, 03:00 - 05:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Jose, US

Lambert Lum will speak about NoSQL and ways to access databases from Perl besides the better-known DBI/DBD.

(Note: Max Yemelyanov's talk on Perl6 previously scheduled for this meeting had to be postponed.  Soon...)

We traditionally start with introductions - what do you do or want to do with Perl? Then there will be a presentation or some short presentations each meeting. See the agenda at the SVPerl wiki at

Meetings were moved up from 7:30PM to 7PM at the request of attendees. Ixia is graciously hosting SVPerl at their private meeting facility. Let's make sure to be good guests whom they'll continue to want to invite back each month.

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