MongoDB and Varnish at Business Insider

New York Web Performance Workshop
21-22 Feb 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , , US
5.0 USD

With over 200 thousand articles currently in the database Business Insider's site serves around ~117 million page views and has around ~17 million uniques visitors per month. Find out how they use MongoDB to optimize the backend and hear about some the more interesting uses of this NoSQL database (they use if for everything).

MongoDB is only half the story, to optimize the front end they use Varnish Cache, a web application accelerator also knows as a caching HTTP reverse proxy.  Pax and Julie will talk about their current implementation and discuss some of the new features of Varnish 3.0 they hope to use in the near future.

Pax Dickinson (@paxdickinson) has almost 20 years of experience in the IT industry, including work in development, systems administration, software architecture, and technical writing. His turn-ons include open source software, single malt scotch, and Austrian economics, and among his turn-offs are Microsoft Windows and the nanny state.

Julie Sommerville has been working in the New York tech scene since 2004 as a PHP developer. She has wrangled databases ranging from Oracle to MongoDB.  She is a reformed lawyer and bleeding heart liberal. Born and bred in Scotland she also enjoys whisky and the occasional haggis.

We are back at Meetup HQ and they still have food and beer!


Catchpoint gave us Kindle Fire to raffle off at this event so don't forget your business cards!


6:30 - Arrive to Meetup HQ, meet other members
6:45 - Event starts
7:00 - MongoDB and Web Performance (Pax Dickinson)
8:00 - Q&A
8:15 - Book giveaway
8:30 - Open Discussion, Networking


Meetup HQ
632 Broadway
Floor 9
NY, NY 10012

Please notice that event is moved to 9th floor, don't get lost.

Directions on Google Maps:

Entrance on StreetView:

Our Sponsors:

O'Reilly Velocity is much more than a conference; it's become the essential training event for web professionals. Join us June 25-28, 2012 in Santa Clara, CA.

ShowSlow is an open source tool for web performance monitoring, it keeps track of your YSlow, Page Speed, dynaTrace scores as well as HARs, Web Page Tests and custom metrics and let's see your progress in graphical format and dig into the problems.

Yottaa provides innovative cloud services enabling its customers to assess, benchmark, monitor and optimize their website performance.

Catchpoint is sponsoring us by providing 10% discount to our members and books to raffle.

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“The trouble with programmers is that you can never tell what a programmer is doing until it's too late.” - Seymour Cray