Moving Your Windows Phone Apps to Windows 8 / Real-time Error Reporting for WP7

Sillicon Valley Windows Phone 7 Meetup Group
Wed, 25 Apr 2012, 01:00 - 03:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Mountain View, US


Moving Your Windows Phone Apps to Windows 8
John Waters, Falafel Software

Learn how to move your XAML-based Windows Phone applications to the new Windows 8 Metro platform.  Explore some of the unique capabilities such as semantic zoom, charms (Search contract) and WinRT controls (GridView and ListView).

Real-time Error Reporting for WP7
Jon Vlachoyiannis, BugSense

Ever wonder what your users are doing or why your mobile application keeps crashing?  Learn how to use BugSense, the real-time error reporting platform, to get analytics, stacktraces and more by including a small library into your app.

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