jQuery Basics from Dave Rodman

Chicago Web Professionals Meetup Group
Wed, 14 Mar 2012, 00:00 - 02:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Evanston, US
2.0 USD

Thank you to Dennis Deacon for facilitating a great conversation on client relations in February. And for all those who attended, thank you for your valuable input!

In March, Dave Rodman, of Rodman Design and regular attendee at the Web Pros. will present accessible tips on use and implementation of jQuery. You don't need to be a code jockey to appreciate this session, but if you are, you'll enjoy Dave's style with this Javascript library. As you likely know, jQuery has become a staple of the internet for it's fast and easy way to incorporate motion, interaction and animation. Come to learn how it works and how it can be utilized to enhance your web work.

We have a show and tell as well... we'll call that a surprise guest at this point :-).

Enjoy our balmy winter. No one has said anything about a March blizzard to me... so maybe we're in the clear? See you in March.

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“If debugging is the process of removing software bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in.” - Edsger Dijkstra