Want to Learn About Facebook Ads?

HTML5 Developer Group
Wed, 11 Apr 2012, 02:30 - 04:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Diego, US

Tim Homuth will be presenting on advertising on Facebook and share his inside knowledge on what he's learned working with brands and celebrities. Stay tuned for more updates.

In this talk we will cover how to... 

  • Define your goals 
  • Micro target your audience
  • Measure your conversion
  • Optimize your Facebook Ads budget

We will quickly cover the basics to get set up, share with you some tips, tricks, and lessons learned from our experience, and spend the majority of our time defining the process you can use to test strategy and manage ad campaigns for your business.

7:30-7:45 - Announcements, Member intros
7:45-8:30 - Topic and Discussion
8:30-9:00 - The usual networking and geek tech talk

** Don't forget to follow @cloudcanvas and @aobjects on Twitter for lots of cool updates on HTML5, internet startups and related topics.

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