Exploratory Graph Visualization

Bay Area d3 User Group
Fri, 13 Apr 2012, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Francisco, US

Graphs are abstract representations of a group of nodes connected by links. Graphs can be challenging to visualize, because even small networks can have high complexity.

This meetup will follow an experimental format to organize the event. Rather than setting an agenda ahead of time, we'll work as a group to brainstorm issues and opportunities related to exploratory and graph visualization. There will be multiple spaces set up for discussion and working groups to dig into these issues.

There will be no speaker or formal structure to this event, aside from initial agenda-setting. Please come prepared to be an active participant and review the meeting process.

d3.js is a great starting place for interactive graph exploration with examples of dendrograms, hive plots, chord diagrams, adjacency matrices, and force-directed layouts. Experience with visualization software like Graphviz and Gephi is also relevant, as well as experience with graph databases, scripting languages and real-world problems related to graphs.

Querying Neo4j with Cypher to make a collapsible graph with force layout


A directed graph of Mobile Patent Suits


The Hive Plot: a static, orderable layout for complex networks conceived by Martin Kryzwinski


An adjacency matrix of co-occurring characters from Les Miserables


Food and drinks will be sponsored by Dynaprice, delivering data services to Fortune 500 companies. They're looking for a developer with graph visualization experience, so contact them if you're interested.

Thanks to Twitter for hosting the event! They're hiring!

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“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.”