Creating Successful Products: 1 Day Intensive

StartUP Product Talks San Francisco
20-21 Jun 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Francisco, US
497.0 USD

(NOTE: Many people have requested rigorous training to forward their teams and careers - this is the first of a series of highly recommended offerings with special pricing for members)


Creating Successful Products


Make great stuff people want to buy!


<---see membership perks for discount code!


If you have been involved in the development of any product, you know that making successful products is hard. But it is possible. The key is unlocking the specific information, skills and often those unspoken rules that almost magically come together to create a dynamite product. However, it's not magic, it's a proven system.

The focus of this highly intensive training is on the process of product creation rather than any specific industry or product type, making it relevant across the board. We will take you step-by-step through the entire process for conceiving, planning and positioning new products.


We take the mystery out of the process and you walk away with the tools to execute it back at the office.  You'll come away with actionable goals and methodology to achieve them effectively that you can begin to implement immediately.


This course is AIPMM ProdBOK® Approved. This course also provides 8 PDUs for PMI® certified Project Management Professionals (PMP).

Learning Objectives

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  • Understand how to define and capture product ideas
  • Define the right product strategy for your product
  • Create a business model for any product
  • Define a product in terms of its value proposition
  • Appreciate the benefits of product lifecycle management

$497 USD

(<--see membership perks for special offer)

  • 8 hours of instructor-led training
  • Course handbook
  • Certificate of completion

Note: Fees may be tax deductible; consult your tax professional. All expenses of continuing education taken to maintain and improve professional skills are tax deductible according to U.S. Treasury Regulation 1.162-5.


Complete Registration:


The Association of International Product Marketing and Management (AIPMM) , founded in 1998, promotes worldwide excellence in product management education and provides value to its individual members, corporate members, and sponsors by providing training, education, certification and professional networking opportunities. Membership benefits include the national Product Management Educational Conference, regional conferences, the Career Center, peer Forums, tools, templates, publications and eligibility to enroll in the Certification Programs. The Agile Certified Product Manager® (ACPM), Certified Product Manager® (CPM) and Certified Product Marketing Manager® (CPMM) program allows individual members to demonstrate their level of expertise and provides corporate members an assurance that their product professionals are operating at peak performance.


The AIPMM Seven Phase Product Lifecycle Framework is a vendor independent Product Management and Product Marketing standard that takes into account best practices used in a wide range of companies and industries. This ensures that the most modern and up to date challenges faced in product management and product marketing are addressed for today's environment. The Framework is part of the AIPMM Product Body of Knowledge (ProdBOK) that was developed with input from over 50 experts and endorsed by more than half a dozen consulting companies. The Framework includes seven distinct product phases, from Conceive to End of Life, and covers all aspects during the entire product lifecycle.


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“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.”