Building Great (and Profitable) Social Apps on Mxit

Mon, 28 May 2012, 16:00 - 18:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , , ZA


Andy Volk and Gavin Marshall from Mxit will be presenting on the Mxit APIs. Specifically we'll be showing how you can use the Mxit billing/microtransaction, messaging, and social APIs to quickly build and deploy great apps on Mxit. And also talking about the successes and challenges that developers have encountered when building apps on Mxit.

Our talk will be followed by an open Hack Night, so you can work on building your applications with your fellow developers in an open group setting. Bring your computer and your ingenuity, and we'll be on hand on answer questions and check out what you're working on. In the last half-hour we'll do (optional) lightning demos where you can show off what you got done at the whackiest.

Pizza and drinks will be provided to fuel your development efforts. Thanks to University of Stellenbosch and the MIH Media Lab for letting us use their facilities to host the event.

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“Better train people and risk they leave – than do nothing and risk they stay.” - Anonymous