jQuery Championship: Single-Elimination Tournament

jQuery NYC
14-15 Jul 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

If you are competitive by nature and feel that you have the chops to become the next World jQuery Champion this is the event for you!

There is a cash prize for each champion in each classification at the end of the Championship.

This is the single-elimination tournament that will determine who will move on the the quarterfinals and on the road to becoming the next champion.

In this tournament there will be 16 jQueryists who will compete for the title of World jQuery Champion in four classifications.  This will be the ultimate way to shine.

There will be a total of 64 participants - 16 competitors in four classifications.

There are four classifications:

  1. Featherweight (inexperienced beginner)
  2. Lightweight (experienced beginner)
  3. Middleweight (intermediate)
  4. Heavyweight (expert)

You can choose to compete in any of these classifications.  While it might be tempting to be titled a heavyweight Champion (or Champion of Champions) choose carefully as it is better to win in a classification that corresponds to your skill level than lose because you aimed too high.

Each classification will have a bracket chart that will be followed to identify the Champion for that classification.

All classification tournaments will be held concurrently with the same type of questions but with the difficulty levels adjusted for that skill level.

If you do not want to compete you can also just come to watch and cheer on!  RSVP to reserve a slot to come out and be a spectator as seats will be limited!

We are trying to get sponsors to put money in the pot towards the cash prize and I will personally get the pot started.  There will only be cash prizes for the ultimate champion in each of the four classifications.  The cash prize will be divided in percentages of the total pot:

Cash Prizes:

  1. Featherweight - 15%
  2. Lightweight - 20%
  3. Middleweight - 25%
  4. Heavyweight - 40%

Needless to say if you want to donate or sponsor towards the pot please let me know now.  If you are a business owner, representative of a business, or other for-profit entity, please help us make this an event to remember!  Any amounts are welcome!

Cash Prize Pot Sponsors

* $150 - Milan Adamovsky (out of pocket)


* Featherweight (12 spots left)
* Lightweight (9 spots left)
* Middleweight (10 spots left)
* Heavyweight (11 spots left)

* 7:00pm - 9:00pm

* Introduction of competitors
* Six 10 minute challenges
* One 30 minute challenge
* Elimination announcements
* Q&A session

Skill Level
* Novice
* Beginner
* Intermediate
* Advanced

* Free


All competitors must bring their laptops.  You should have some programming background to get most out of this presentation.  Tables will be reserved for competitors.

Audiences are welcome to attend but priority registration will be made available for competitors.

Tell your friends to join this meetup so we can grow and enjoy learning everything about jQuery.

If you are a professional jQuery developer, and interested in adding to the presentation as a speaker/presenter, please e-mail me your credentials and material so we can integrate it into our Agenda.

Please RSVP so we can make this into a recurring event and be something we all look forward to.

Bring your laptops, will to learn, and open mind. WiFi will be provided at no cost.

My cell is (862) 266 3311 and feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]

Look forward to seeing you soon!

Terms of Participation
Participation in this and any jQNYC event is granting permission to take photos, audio, video of the event where you may or may not appear both intentionally and unintentionally.  You agree to hold jQNYC, its organizers, and associates harmless from any claims.  All contents presented, generated, or consumed during the event may be printed, broadcasted, published, or otherwise distributed in good faith for the promotion of jQNYC, its events, or its participants free from any royalties, commissions, or fees including but not limited to photos with you in it, powerpoints, texts, quotes, audio, video, or any other information.  Such distribution may or may not be for commercial gain by jQNYC.  In an effort to develop a sense of community participating individuals grant full rights to being identified via tagging, introductions, labels, or other form of identifications when appearing in any photos, video, audio, or other form of media by anyone in the community.  All identifications will reflect the identity of your profile as it appears in the group.

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