Yapmo's Paul Everton on Creating a Mobile Social Application

Chicago Web Professionals Meetup Group
Wed, 13 Jun 2012, 00:00 - 03:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Evanston, US
2.0 USD

A big thank you to those who participated in the Wordpress Hackathon, May 19 and all of the sessions that lead up to it! Special thanks to the Chicago Web Pro. members, Jeff McNear, Becky Davis and Steve Starr (okay, I'm writing this...) who helped spearhead this effort. As far as service projects go, this was a great success and will be an ongoing asset for the beneficiary, Chicago Creative Coalition (C3).

Join us Tuesday, June 12 for a presentation by Paul Everton on creating mobile social applications. Paul Everton, Co-CEO of Yapmo is developing a mobile social collaboration network for business use. Yapmo will enable employees within corporate environments to collaborate efficiently using the knowledge base of an entire corporation. Paul created "Visible Vote," a mobile platform for political discourse, allowing constituents to communicate with senators and congressman. Visible Vote has 200,000 registered users and dozens of Congressmen using the platform. (Check it out on the iPhone app store!)

Paul will speak about his experience in the world of mobile startups from a business standpoint while touching upon key points in development and user experience.

Come out on a June evening to learn more about the mobile world!


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