Bridging the Product Owner - Developer Communication Gap 9pm EST, 6pm Pacific

Agile3d Distributed Agile Congress
Thu, 21 Jun 2012, 01:00 - 04:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Cary, US

Pacific edition: 20 June 9pm Eastern, 6pm Pacific, 3am Berlin
(11am Fri 6/21Sydney)  (repeats 7/7 for Europe)

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* Conference code: 7469328541

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Effectiveness of Product Owner - Developer Team communication largely determines the whole software delivery pipeline?s effectiveness.  Domain & Business Model based communication has tremendous advantages over other requirements specification techniques.


This session demonstrates that modeling does not necessarily means big upfront design, i,e. waste.  On the contrary, it makes makes communication hotter.

Target audience

Since this session is about common ubiquitous communication language, all roles - product owner, business analyst, software architect, developer - should be interested.

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