From the Sea to Mesa Peak

The Weekday Hikers
Sat, 7 Jul 2012, 16:00 - 19:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Los Angeles, US

Many hiking groups will take you on Mesa Peak Motorway but never include a visit to Mesa Peak itself. Those that do don't take you the way I am going to take you.

Our hike will begin at the beach in Corral Canyon the last undeveloped coastal canyon in Los Angeles County that flows freely to the ocean. We will then leave Corral Canyon for my "secret trail" through pristine wilderness to the Puerco Canyon watershed divide that provides spectacular ocean and mountain views.

We'll take a snack break on Mesa Peak (1,844 ft)

Hike is about 8 miles with over 1800 ft elevation gain in the first 4 miles. Its out and back with two interweaving loops.

Photos of last hike:

Meet in parking lot of Malibu Seafood Patio.

There is street parking on PCH, five dollars at the iron ranger.

After the hike we can have lunch at Malibu Seafood Patio. Maybe we'll spot some dolphins frolicking in the waves

They let you bring your own beverages including booze. So pack a cooler with your favorite beverage and enjoy a fresh seafood lunch by the trailhead -- you will deserve it!

Bring sunscreen, hat, 2 quarts water, sturdy shoes and a snack. Shorts ok.

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