Nicholas Paredes on Mobile User Experience

Chicago Web Professionals Meetup Group
Wed, 15 Aug 2012, 00:00 - 03:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Evanston, US
2.0 USD

A big thank you to Carolyn Chandler from Manifest Digital (and Code Academy), for her thorough presentation, "From Print to Digital." Registration for the fall session at Code Academy is open now until August 12.

Join us Tuesday, August 14, 7PM for a presentation on mobile user experience by Nicholas Parades. Nicholas Paredes, User Experience Manager-Mobile for W.W. Grainger, will talk about strategy, design, management and development for mobile experiences that engage and deliver measurable results. Prior to his current position at Grainger, Nicholas was Lead Mobile Experience Designer at Walgreens.

I am grateful that BooCoo's manager, Alisha is responding to groups meeting there (like us!) by putting on a kitchen manager and providing healthy menu options. Let's continue to support her efforts by our presence on Tuesdays. (And hope the digital TV continues to function!)

Jeff McNear, Becky Davis and I (Steve Starr) would like to continue to be responsive to the needs of this group. It was suggested to me that it is a good service to keep an eye on the ways we will be working in the future, so I've been scouting out people involved in mobile design/development. If there are topics you'd like to focus on in the future that would support your business or professional development, please feel free to suggest them to any of the three of us. We also would like to see more of what our membership is actively engaged in, so I may be hitting up on you for more "show and tell" segments.

Happy August! It's still summer, so enjoy our hot, dry weather! (Don't forget Wordcamp, August 25-26 if you are so inclined.)

Steve Starr
Organizer, Chicago Web Professionals


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