October NYC Web Design Meetup

NYC Web Design Meetup
1-2 Oct 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

Presentation: Intro to Mobile and Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design allows you to adapt webpages to various size screens and devices: from mobile phones, to tablets, to various desktops of all sizes. If you're not already optimizing websites for all of these screens, you'll soon have to be! In this talk, Dan Rodney from Noble Desktop will show you how to get started building responsive sites.

If you're looking for a more thorough, hands-on class in mobile and responsive web design, check out Noble Desktop's course at http://www.nobledesktop.com/mobile-responsive-web-design/

Speaker: Dan Rodney is the Senior Tech Guru and Instructor at Noble Desktop where he's been teaching and developing course material since 1999. Dan has not only trained thousands of students, but has written two publishing industry?standard InDesign scripts: Proper Fraction Pro and Make Book Jacket.


Q&A Discussion

After Dan's talk, we'll have a period of Q&A and discussion about Responsive Design. Please bring your stories (good and bad) to share with the group about how you've employed Responsive Design in your Web Design and Development process!


Professional Networking!

We'll split our time between the presentation and a period of open networking. Please join us, and bring a friend to help our group grow!



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LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.c...
Facebook: http://www.facebook.c...
Twitter: http://twitter.com/nycwdm/
Video: http://www.nycwdm.org/video/

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