DevTank October

Tue, 9 Oct 2012, 17:30 - 20:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , London, GB

As the recent sporting buzz quietens down, it's time to get back on track with another DevTank! Big thanks to and Forward for sponsoring the pizza and beer!

Here's what we have lined up for you...


Ben Snipe - Software Patents

Ben will talk about software patents, what can be patented and why companies apply for patents. He will also talk about issues with patents and open source licensing, and will finish by explaining some patent disputes that have been in recent news.


Ben Snipe is a partner and patent attorney at SC Patents.  He works with many software startups and SMEs in the software sector helping them protect their inventions. Much of his career has been spent working on patent applications for Vodafone and Nokia.


Fred George - Micro-Service Architecture

The service architecture of the new millenium has evolved at the Forward Internet Group into a myriad of small, loosely coupled services. While the system is several years old, almost no service is older than six months. We explore the evolution of this architecture and its impact on the organization and processes.


Fred is a hands-on software developer with executive responsibilities and experience. Father of the post-Agile process termed Developer Anarchy. Earlier implementer of new technology for entire career, including computer networking in the 70's, LAN's and GUI in the 80's, OO and Agile in the 90's. Very early adopter of Kanban processes. He has used over 70 programming languages in his career (so far).


As ever the format for the evening is:

6.30-7.00 sign in and grab a drink while you catch up with other members
7.00-7.30 first talk
7.30-8.00 enjoy pizza and beer thanks to our generous sponsors and Forward!
8.00-8.30 second talk
8.30ish wrap up and head to the pub, location to be announced on the night!

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