Partner Event :: Red Hat Integration & BPM Week

DC Area JBoss Users Groups
15-18 Oct 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Chantilly, US

Red Hat is hosting a virtual conference week to communicate their new integration and business process management vision, strategy, road map, and technologies. Customers, prospects, partners, employees, press, analysts, and other stakeholders and interested parties are invited to attend the virtual Red Hat Integration and BPM Week events on Oct. 15-18.

The event will include:

  • Welcome and technology vision by Craig Muzilla and Mark Little
  • A live keynote webinar from Pierre Fricke and Ken Johnson
  • Four road map sessions; one in each key area (integration, messaging, BRMS/BPM, and data integration), targeting enterprise architects, IT managers and executives, partners, and sales teams
  • 12 technical deep dive webinars featuring key leaders in our communities and engineering teams on important and innovative technologies in the integration and business process automation arenas (e.g., enterprise service bus (ESB), messaging, Camel (integration development), business analyst tools, business process management (BPM))

You?ll find a detailed agenda and registration information on the Red Hat Integration and BPM Week landing page:


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