Ian Robinson and Jim Webber's Neo4j Tutorial

29-30 Nov 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
Skills Matter at the MWB Busin , London, GB

Graph databases like Neo4j are an esoteric and powerful member of the NOSQL family. For highly connected data, graph databases can be thousands of times faster than relational databases, making Neo4j popular for managing complex data across many domains from finance to social, and telecoms to geospatial.

Ian Robinson and Jim Webber's intensive Neo4J tutorial provides a mixture of theory and hands-on practical sessions to demonstrate the capabilities of graph data and the Neo4j database.

LEARN HOW TO: NOSQL and Graph Database overview Neo4j Fundamentals and Architecture The Neo4j tool chain The Neo4j Core API Indexing Neo4j Traverser API and declarative querying Graph algorithms Pattern matching Alternative Language Bindings The Neo4j REST API and using the database from non-JVM platforms Spring Data Graph Solutions architecture: using Neo4j in large systems

*For more details and registration please visit: http://skillsmatter.com/course/java-jee/neo4j-tutorial/mh-5643

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