Following in our grand tradition, we plan to get together with the rest of the Austin web community for a giant geek holiday party. Come escape from the stress of end-of-year deadlines and impending familial obligations with some great drinks and awesome people.
Each year participation has grown, and we're very proud that what started out as a small gathering now includes 20 active groups spanning a wide swatch of the Austin Web and Tech community. In line with participation from so many groups, an array of awesome local businesses have stepped up to sponsor the event, picking up a sizable bar tab and covering other party-related costs.
Austin is an amazing town filled with inspiring people and groups. You should come party with all of them on December 11th.
Event Details
RSVP on Facebook: (not required, but it helps us plan)
7 - 9pm, Tuesday, December 11th, 2012
Buffalo Billiards (6th and Brazos)
Admission: At least one canned good for the Capital Area Food Bank. (Last year we collected 549 pounds of canned goods and over $800 in donations!)
The Community
Austin All-Girl Hack Night
Austin JavaScript
Austin Drupal User's Group
Austin Lean Startup Circle
Austin NoSQL
Austin on Rails
Austin PHP Meetup
Austin Python Meetup
Austin Web Python Users Group (AWPUG)
Austin Startup Week
Austin Web Architecture
Austin Web Design Meetup
Hacks/Hackers ATX
Girl Develop It
Online News Association Austin
Austin Node User Group
Refresh Austin
WordPress Austin
Young Women's Roundtable
We hope that you'll come on out to catch up with old friends and make some new ones on December 11th!