The Northern VA CodeCamp is a FREE community event for developers, by developers. Our CodeCamp allows local developers to network and learn from peers and community experts on a wide range of development platforms and languages.
Call for Speakers We are currently accepting speaker submission for the Spring 2016 CodeCamp. If you are interested in speaking at the next CodeCamp, please submit your topic proposal using our Call for Speakers form( The deadline for speaker submissions is Sunday, March 13, 2016 at 11:00 PM.
Sponsorship The Northern VA CodeCamp is not possible without the support of sponsors. If your company is interested in sponsoring our upcoming CodeCamp on April 30th, please take a look at the various sponsorship packages we offer( The cutoff for sponsorship signup is Monday, April 18, 2016 at 11:00 PM. Thank you for your support!
Event URL: