The Semantics of Taxonomies - June 23rd 6PM @ U of T

The Toronto Semantic Web Meetup Group
23-24 Jun 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Toronto, CA
10.0 CAD

[b]The Semantics of Taxonomies: how taxonomies bring meaning to information. [/b] Speaker: Linda Farmer, Founder of Second Knowledge Solutions

This is an important topic, and a grounding point for basic principles which we can build upon in future meetups concerning the semantic web's evolution.

[b]Synopsis: [/b]Linda will focus on the role of taxonomies (and subject organization in general) in delivering meaning to masses of content. This will include an overview of how taxonomies are created in the digital environment.

LINDA FARMER is founder of Second Knowledge Solutions, a consulting business crafting knowledge frameworks for digital content. Linda has over 20 years experience in the library automation and data base publishing industries. She advises educational, business and cultural organizations on categorization and vocabulary control strategies for rendering digital content accessible.

LOCATION: iSchool, Faculty of Information University of Toronto, 140 St. George Street

Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 Time: 6:00 - 8:30 pm Room No: 313 (limit of 35 people) Fee: $10 (covers food & beverage)

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