Snowcode subzero party - date to change (clashes with altnet conference)

Sat, 1 Aug 2009, 18:00 - 20:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
SNOZone, Xscape MK , Milton Keynes, GB


Come along and meet the gang running snowcode, spend an hour of snowboarding or ski-ing, and then share some drinks afterwards at the SNO!Bar. [b] We'll be discussing which resort we're considering picking for 2010[/b], as well as handing out brochures for various short listed chalet's (those suitable for a mini conference) plus for various resorts and chalets nearby. You can chat to us and the group about your favourite resort and it can be added to the pool of choices.

I also need ideas for the 5 technology topics that will form the "theme" of snowcode 2010 and go onto the final description of the event when booking opens. (Because snowcode sessions are open coding sessions, the "themes" selected are merely an indication of attendees current interests, and final selection of topics are made at the start of each day at the conference.)

The subzero parties are a great opportunity to find someone to share acommodation with, or just plan to hookup at the various events.

This is the time to come and give me all your feedback so that I can work for you and make the event as swanky and swell as possible. I'm busy speaking to a possible drinks company sponsor that might get me some much needed extra cash that I can use for things like getting us pre-paid European wifi internet access cards and some really great swag, branded ski-gear / hoodies and stuff.

(unfortunately we'll be too small a group for 2010 to get any really great concessions like sponsored "branded" lift cards or snowboards... MAN THAT WOULD BE SWEET! (hmm, dreaming.)

But... you never know!

At this stage it looks like the first snowcode (2010) will be an group of around 15 to 25 really great passionate developers, and we'll be the core group that everyone will be talking about next year, that will generate the buzz for 2011!

2010 - small and intimate, core group of founder-snow-coders, all in one chalet. 2011 - two thousand snow-coders take over the whole of vermonte .. or Val-D! ( I have a dream)

go well everyone, and I'll see you at the Snowdome for our first subzero party, on whatever date we all pick via meetomatic.

(I'll send out the meetomatic email where you can pick dates for the parties in the next 2 weeks, so that will give us some time to spread the word and get more snow-coders to join the group so long.)

[ Please RSVP yes to this meetup to receive an email to choose the dates. ]

Oh, I almost forgot, I want to try to arrange one sub-zero party every month, as not everyone will be able to make each party, and I want a way to collect feedback and do work each month, and then the next month give feedback to the group on what I've managed to find / do, steal, beg ...borrow... for us ! ]



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