Enterprise MySQL: Heavy-Traffic Management and Ultra-Availability

New York Enterprise 2.0
11-12 Aug 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

Paul Berry, Chief Technical Officer of the HuffingtonPost will present strategies for survival under high-traffic along with Jim Bartus, HuffingtonPost Lead System Administrator.

This will be a joint-meetup with 4-groups (1200+ members!), so the networking opportunities will be outstanding!

This exceptional event is made possible by the IT Management Conference & Expo - NYC - Oct. 14-16, 2009

The IT Management Conference will showcase 50+ presentations over 3-days from world-renown industry-leaders such as: Founder & Creator of MySQL, Michael "Monty" Widenius Internet Celebrity & Social Media Sommelier, Gary Vaynerchuk CIO of Forbes Media, Mykolas Rambus Co-Creator of PHP & Zend CTO, Zeev Suraski CEO of Menlo Innovations & Pioneer of Agile eXtreme Programming, Richard Sheridan Plus executive leadership from IBM, Citigroup, HBO, Meetup, Salesforce, GE, Avocent, CSC, Unisys, AIG, Cushman & Wakefield, Nortel and many others.

RECESSION-SPECIAL: pay as much as you can and the ITMC sponsors will make up the difference! Ends very soon so register now! http://www.ManageIT.me

This fantastic meetup is presented by Les Deux Concierges

Les Deux Concierges will be raffling off free usage of their services at this event! Les Deux Concierges is a personal assistant and concierge service that executives all over New York City are using to maximize their productivity. Professionals are able to spend more time focused on their work and less time worrying about life's mundane details by outsourcing daily tasks (anything from picking up dry cleaning to waiting at home for the cable guy). http://www.lesdeuxconcierges.com

This event will very-conveniently take place at Sun Microsystems, 101 Park Ave. (between 40 & 41 St.)

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“An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field” - Niels Bohr