Sphinx: features, future plans and a DEMO!

The San Francisco MySQL Meetup Group
Fri, 14 Aug 2009, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Francisco, US

Peter Zaitsev of Percona & one of the authors of the O'Reilly book "High Performance MySQL, second edition" will be discussing Sphinx.

Sphinx is a full-text search engine designed specifically for searching database content. While it supports a variety of data sources (SQL databases, plain text files, HTML files, mailboxes, and so on), it is known especially for it's integration with MySQL. It is fast and scalable - supporting installations with over 3 billion documents performing 50 million searches a day. Some notable sites powered by Sphinx are Craigslist, Daily Motion, and Board Reader. In addition to classical full-text searching, Sphinx supports a variety of features specific to database content such as: filtering by attribute, geographical distance calculation, grouping, ranking and sorting. This presentation will cover Sphinx current features, future plans, and demonstrate a simple Sphinx deployment to integrate search functionality into your applications.

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