Concept to Cash Flow All Day Monthly Workshop

The San Francisco Webeneur Meetup Group
Sat, 8 Aug 2009, 17:00 - 19:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
NetBizExpert Training Center , San Rafael, US
87.0 USD

[center]Concept to Cash Flow All Day Workshop[/center] [center]Easy steps to start and grow your business online[/center] [center]Ideal for Novice or Beginner Webeneurs and Entrepreneurs[/center]

[center]The first 3 people to RSVP and Pay get get $10.00 off[/center]

[b] · If you do not have an idea for a business yet we will help you find one! · If you have an idea we will help you grow it![/b]

[center] [/center]

The day will begin with an overview of the Concept to Cash Flow system. We will then break into groups and work directly on your business using this proven system.

This is an ALL DAY monthly event. It starts at 10:00am BE ON TIME and be prepared to stay to 4pm.

This type of Workshop generally costs $800-$1200

The SF Webeneur Meetup group is getting a special deal on it all for just $97!!!

The first 3 people to RSVP and Pay get a special deal of only $87!

If you decide to come to this monthly event on an ongoing basis you will gain the benefit of the group getting to know you and your business thus being able to help you more and more over time as your business grows. Plus, you will receive a discounted rate.

In this workshop we will take you step by step to actually build and/or grow your business both on and off line. And then we will not only show you, but help you to fill in all the missing pieces with the Best and Latest techniques of online business.

· Ideal for Novice or Beginner webeneurs and entrepreneurs · Receive professional input on your business · Save years and thousands of dollars by NOT having to figure it out and do it on your own. · Work in groups with other entrepreneurs all helping you build your business

You must pre-register for this event. It is limited to only 10 participants.

About the facilitators

Ted Prodromou has over 25 years in information technology and has been a small business owner ( since 1997. He helps small to medium sized businesses define, implement and monitor a comprehensive strategy to utilize the internet to promote their business. He makes your website "famous" on the internet using the latest proven techniques including Web 2.0 (blogging, podcasting, video, social networking), press releases, article distribution, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) marketing, and by leveraging Google's best practice recommendations. Learn more about Ted at

Bill Ayers is a 15-year veteran entrepreneur with experience in Marketing, Advertising, Sales, Sales Training, Event Promotion, and Entrepreneur Mentoring. For the last 3 years he has focused on web based businesses. He is the organizer of the San Francisco Webeneur Meetup, owner of and He is the author of IMPULSE! - Selling and Persuasion made fun and easy. Bill has trained hundreds of successful sales people from complete novices to highly experienced veterans of sales. Over the years, Bill has started, sold, and survived several different businesses.

Bill’s current goals are:

· Building concentrated mobile income and passive mobile income · Traveling and blogging about his experiences · Sharing his knowledge with others who want to be Mobile World Citizens · Connecting with other Mobile World Citizens

Learn more about Bill at

This type of Workshop generally costs $800-$1200

The SF Webeneur Meetup group is getting a special deal on it all for just $97!!!

The first 3 people to RSVP and Pay get a special deal of only $87!

People wishing to join this monthly event on an ongoing basis will also receive a lower rate.

· Learn how to Start and Grow your business on and off line · Increase the Growth of your business · Stream line your business for more cash flow · Learn short cuts from experienced entrepreneurs

You must pre-register for this event. It is limited to only 10 participants.

· Leave with a custom plan · Grow Your Business Faster and With Less Risk.

Start moving with your business - Start creating a team to help you.

Talk to you soon,


P.S. It's time to take charge of your business and your life. Create more income for you and your family.

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