Come hear about Infobrights Opensource Datawarehouse solution!

The San Francisco MySQL Meetup Group
Fri, 11 Sep 2009, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Francisco, US

Infobright Community Edition (ICE) is a new Open Source analytical data warehousing platform, which was released in September 2008. ICE is easy to use, and very simple to manage. It is a column-oriented database with a unique architecture called the Knowledge Grid that eliminates the complexities of indexing or developing complex data partitioning schemes. This presentation will discuss ICE, and how it utilizes the Knowledge Grid to process analytical queries so quickly. ICE is the only platform that allows MySQL to scale from extremely small datasets to 30+TB databases without requiring any changes to the underlying architecture of the system. A member of the Infobright Community, Kevin Galligan, will also present how he has utilized ICE to analyze complex data sets involving extremely wide tables (over 500 columns). Since finishing his initial project with ICE, Kevin has further used ICE to create a startup company to help small businesses find the most cost-effictive and easiest way to send direct mail advertisements to a very precise selection of potential clients. Presenters Mark Windrim Mark is Vice President of Community Relations for Infobright, and runs Mark joined Infobright in April 2006 and is accomplished senior technologist with over 15 years of experience in Internet related services. With the launch of Infobright's open source product and community, Mark's role is to be the advocate for the community back to the company. Kevin Galligan Kevin is head of internet technology for Research & Response International Inc., a New York based direct marketing services firm, and a partner in a new related venture called Pin Point Post. Kevin was brought in to put a large marketing database online for a client of R&R. Kevin has over 10 years of experience developing and managing Java-related internet applications in the financial services and social media industries. He has spent the last 2 years working on various startups, serving as primary developer and CTO of Medical Research Forum, an invite-only community for medical residents, and a senior developer at Parity Energy, an energy options brokerage building a state-of-the-art options trading system.

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