Net Tuesday Philly October Meetup

Net Tuesday Philly Meetup
6-7 Oct 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
Buffalo Billiards (2nd Floor) , Philadelphia, US

Network for Good, Causes and, oh my! These days there are so many portals to use to raise money online for your non-profit. How do you choose which one(s) to be on? Does maintaining them take away from your other online efforts (e-news, blog, etc.)? Which ones have you be successful on? Theses questions and others will be discussed at third and final session of our Net Tuesday Summer Ale Series – Portal Pilsner!

[b]We want you input! [/b]Have a story about a non-profit portal you want to share? E-mail Judah.

Looking ahead…
On October 6, we’ll be exploring how nonprofits and social change agents can take offline strategies for outreach, member engagement and fundraising, and apply them in an online, social environment.

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