516Ads.com & 631Ads.com / The Long Island Breakfast Club

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com is proud to be teaming up with our friends at The Long Island Breakfast Club for FREE night of networking and Part II of our collecting school supplies campaign. Thanks to event sponsors Matt Matza - Alarms.li, Joe Flood - Inspectwithhorizon.com, Mr. Purification Bill Haile - GreenLongIsland.li, Wellsys Bottleless Water Systems - Alan Goldberg - wellsysNY.com & Steve Cochrane - Send Out Cards - Greetingcards.li for there support. In addition to a night of networking, we'll be collect SCHOOL SUPPLIES for Long Island based FamilyandChildren.org, along with other LI charities. Great people, FREE (delicious) food, excellent atmosphere, worthy cause, it's our first event at Piccola Bussola, and we want them to invite us back, so let's make it a great one. Hope to see you there.

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“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.” - Rick Osborne