October Baltimore PHP Users Group

The Baltimore/Washington PHP Meetup Group
14-15 Oct 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Columbia, US

For the October meetup we are having a different type of meeting. We're not going to have a dedicated speaker. In August, Steve gave an excellent talk about project management using Trac and it's subversion integration. This meeting is a followup to the August meeting. Steve's talk sparked A LOT of conversation and future meeting topics. Way too much to cover in one month.

First, we'll talk about the group itself. There are some pretty big changes coming up, and I would love to get feedback from people on those changes, and any other ideas or suggestions for the group's direction.

Second, we'll have a round table discussion on your development process either in your company, or if you're a freelancer, your personal process. This meeting will be all about your processes, coding standards, and other methods and tactics you use during your development. Come by and hear what others are doing, and share what you are doing! Our November meetup will be specifically about using subversion in your development process and miscellaneous tips and tricks with using subversion.

Our meeting space has recently been remodeled! It's smaller than what we had so RSVP's are limited to 12. Your ACCURATE RSVP is greatly appreaciated. RSVP'ing yes, then not showing up could be taking a seat from someone else.

We'll have pizza and drinks, so come hungry.

When: October 14, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.

Where: OmniTI (Our usual place) 7070 Samuel Morse Drive Columbia MD, 21046

Please RSVP, so we know how much pizza to order. Meeting space and pizza are being provided by OmniTI as usual. Many, many thanks to them and their continued support.

Hope to see everyone there, and if you know of anyone else interested in PHP, bring them along also!

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Our tools

We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“It is practically impossible to teach good programming style to students that have had prior exposure to BASIC. As potential programmers, they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.” - E. W. Dijkstra