November NLGUG Meetup

nlgug - Groovy and Grails User Group Netherlands
Wed, 4 Nov 2009, 17:00 - 19:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Amsterdam, NL

Hi all,

I know it's on short notice, but SpringSource contacted me to organize a session together with Peter Ledbrook, the famous Grails support engineer who knows literally EVERYTHING about the Grails internals, so if you have any questions about Grails, this is your chance. Peter Ledbrook wil give a training for SpringSource. There are still some spots left, so register here if you are interested:

Peter will give a presentation about a Grails related subject, which has yet to be determined. So if you have a specific preference, please let me know.

Also, I'm looking for a location, preferably in or near Amsterdam. If you can provide such a location, please contact met ASAP.

Greetings, Erik Pragt

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