NW Chief Sales Officer Forum

TechLife Columbus
Wed, 28 Oct 2009, 21:30 - 23:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Columbus, US

[color=darkred][b]Please note this event is open to members and non-members of TechColumbus- You must contact [email protected] to attend[/color].

How will executives make the decision for an indirect sales channel? How will they know it's the right decision? How will they ensure success? Please join us and learn from the experts! Forum representatives will discuss a key question companies are asking: Can we increase revenues with an indirect sales channel?

Who Should Attend? [b] CSO's, VP's of Marketing, Senior Executives interested in indirect sales channels as a source for additional revenue.[/b]

Key Issues to be Discussed in the Forum [list]

  • When should I expect results?
  • What’s the impact on my organization?
  • How will I measure success until the revenue arrives?
  • How do I handle this issue with my direct sales reps?
  • Can a direct sales organization “peacefully co-exist” with an indirect sales channel?
  • What are the “keys to success” when implementing an indirect sales channel?
  • How can I successfully capture my indirect channel’s “loyalty” if they are selling multiple products?
  • When does it make sense to retain a direct sales channel only?
  • [/list]

    Meeting Format

    Panel discussion facilitated by Chris Robino, entrepreneur and CEO of Halcyone Group and Maxx Net.

    Panel Participants

    Scott Slack - VP of Marketing, Cranel Geoffrey Bibo - VP of Sales, Exacter Bruce Crocco - VP, Library Services, OCLC Tom Bishop - VP of Consulting, Oracle Corporation

    If you would like to attend this event or if you have any questions about the forum, please send an email to Cheryl McClellan, Chief Sales Officer Forum Facilitator at [email protected] or call 614.226.7608.

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