UEC - Part 2

Virtualization, VMware, Hyper-V, Eucalyptus, Cloud Computing
11-12 Nov 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

Part 1 (first hour) Install Ubuntu, create a cloud controller, storage controller, and a node controller. manage these images and instances with elasticfox.

Part 2 (second hour) Bundle an image and upload to Amazon. Run EMIs and AMIs interchangeably. use euca tools to manage amazon and eucalyptus.

For those that attended last night, I'll have some USB sticks that we can run Ubuntu off of to create more regions and availability zones.

As we also saw last night, the cloud and storage controller run perfectly under VMware workstation 7. The node controller will run on one or more other laptops.

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