Justin Swanhart - Flexviews & managing large amounts of data in MySQL

The San Francisco MySQL Meetup Group
Tue, 8 Dec 2009, 02:30 - 04:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Francisco, US

Managing large amounts of data in MySQL can be very difficult. In order to quickly answer queries, summary tables are often created which contain aggregated data from one or more table. Maintaining such aggregations is often problematic as it is often accomplished with a patchwork of SQL scripts and cron jobs. Flexviews is a toolkit which includes tools for the creation of such tables, while also making a large subset of them incrementally maintainable. Incremental maintenance of a summary table can be orders of magnitude faster than completely rebuilding the summary from scratch. During this talk Justin will demonstrate the components of the Flexviews, and provide an overview of the available functionality in the toolkit.

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