NJR November Meeting: Deploying with Vlad

Not Just Ruby
Wed, 2 Dec 2009, 02:00 - 04:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Panera Bread , Colorado Springs, US

We still need people to man (or woman) up and give a featured talk, both now and in the future. Remember, it doesn't need to be about Ruby, just tangentially related.


Kevin McFadden (that's me) will be demonstrating how to deploy a Ruby on Rails application with Vlad the Deployer.

Deploying an application can be a real hassle. For PHP, my methodology has been something like tar -cvf ~/deployable/project-yyyymmdd.tgz "find -mtime -[days since last deploy] | grep -v [git|svn]. It works, but look at all the stuff you have to remember and edit.

Capistrano was the first, mainstream Ruby/Rails deploy tool. It required a ton of configuration and had too many moving parts for my liking. However, it did identify and address the main complexities involved with deploying an application, and it reduced the command line to a simple cap deploy.

Vlad the Deployer is a refined Capistrano that removes most of the setup hassle.


Tried to get a Panera up north, but they are all booked solidly. Next year I'll try and reserve them in blocks and in advance!

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