November PHP User Group Meetup

The Baltimore/Washington PHP Meetup Group
18-19 Nov 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Columbia, US

Presentation: Using Subversion for your source code control

For the November meetup we have Chris Stone talking about subversion. Chris and his team use subversion in his daily development process, and it has proved to be an invaluable tool for his day to day development processes. We'll cover the overall usage of subversion in a development environment and look at real world, in use examples of subversion.

This talk will cover:


  • What subversion is, why use it, and how it works
  • Common subversion commands
  • Demos on command line usage and GUI tools
  • Usage and Methods
  • Real world example: How subversion is used in Chris' day to day processes
  • [/list]

    Q/A, general discussion, future topic ideas, and random chit chat will follow (and during). We'll have pizza and drinks, so come hungry!

    When: November 18, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.

    Where: OmniTI (Our usual place) 7070 Samuel Morse Drive Columbia MD, 21046

    Please RSVP, so we know how much pizza to order. Meeting space and pizza are being provided by OmniTI as usual. Many, many thanks to them and their continued support.

    Hope to see everyone there, and if you know of anyone else interested in PHP (or subversion), bring them along also!

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    “Theory is when you know something, but it doesn't work. Practice is when something works, but you don't know why. Programmers combine theory and practice: Nothing works and they don't know why.”