Are you fundable?

Startup and Founder Meetup
Wed, 2 Dec 2009, 18:30 - 20:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Boulder, US

This is a FREE 90 Minute Webinar

The economic conditions have shifted the entire funding landscape. If you designed your funding strategy a year ago or so and have not adapted a new strategy you are likely to fail to find your capital.


-Who is Brian Tsuchiya? -Economic Realities of Funding -Venture Funding Ecosystem -Venture Capital -Angel Capital -Funding Survey -Options for funding -Crowd Source Funding -Alternative Funding -Q&A

All startups need it and few are finding it. Find out what's going on and learn the dynamics of funding. What are investors really looking for. Also I will share some optional funding strategies.

If you desire to ask questions you will need both a headset and a mic, if you wish to just listen you can chat your questions. Please click on the link below to pre-register. Because space is limited please register if you plan to attend.

To Join the webinar:

The webinar is free and it we will start with a 60 minute presentation with plenty of time for Q & A.

Space is limited so sign up today!

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