Real-time Web & Social Media Conversation

Bringing together members who want to talk social media, with a focus on real-time aspects of search (e.g. oneriot), micro-blogging (Twitter), Facebook, citizen journalism, conversations, marketing, branding, etc. And perhaps the more technical aspects, such as pubsubhubbub and rssCloud.

Currently scouting locations, such as Caribou Coffee & La Madeleine, that are metro-friendly.

What is the real-time web?

Articles: * Introduction to the Real-Time Web - ReadWriteWeb * Betting on the Real-Time Web - Business Week * Emerging Trends of the Real-Time Web - Mashable * 15 Real Time Web Startups Around - InstantShift

Slide deck (Nov 2009): The impact of the RealTime web on media and news - Loic Le Meur (Seesmic)

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“An idiot with a computer is a faster, better idiot” - Rich Julius