PluggedIn NYC

NextWeb | NY Web 2.0 Meetup | Lunch 2.0 | Etc
Tue, 12 Jan 2010, 13:00 - 15:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US




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PluggedIn is an exclusive full day gathering, bringing together handpicked media, advertising, social media and mobile executives and gatekeepers. The event is designed to facilitate knowledge sharing, relationship building and deal making.

PluggedIn will take place at the Sy Syms School of Business in Manhattan on January 12th, 2010.

PluggedIn is run by Founders Roundtable, a digital media networking company focused on leveraging relationships to help start-ups succeed. The reason for PluggedIn is the frustration with typical industry conferences which are overcrowded and lack the intimacy and cut-to-the-chase attitude required for in-depth dialogue and true relationship building.

Participants often find themselves listening to rehashed panel discussions, working the wrong people in the room and generally putting invaluable time to insignificant use. PluggedIn is the polar opposite – by keeping a closed circle and offering a laid back, and strictly off the record environment, we aim to cultivate substantive and concrete dialogue between a select group of decision makers and help make things happen.


PluggedIn will be held at two locations:


The Schottenstein Cultural Center 239–241 East 34th Street


The Sy Syms School of Business 215 Lexington Avenue


Technology Innovators Founders, co-founders, executives, and CEOs of startups in social media and mobile.

Deal Making Executives Media, content, brand and technology executives.

Enablers VCs, private equity and angel investors.

At the moment we have already lined up some executives from the following companies:



PluggedIn brings together leading media, advertising, social media and mobile executives and is designed to promote knowledge sharing, relationship building and high level networking.

We look to educate and seek answers to important questions that startups, executives and investors face in these industries and hope to learn something when all is said and done.

The day is structured in three parts — the morning will focus on presentations from leading startups in the social media and mobile sectors, as well as several key innovators. The afternoon is comprised of two parts with the first being roundtable sessions, in which participants will discuss the pertinent topics in a laid back, strictly off the record atmosphere. That will be followed by casual networking and one on one meetings between startups, founders and industry executives.


Registration Opens

9:00am - 12:15pm

Meet the Startups

Learn about 25 of the most promising companies in digital media today. Industry executives will be able to select companies they wish to meet later in the day and prompted to schedule one on one meetings via SMS with any of the companies.

9:00am - 9:15am

Keynote: Social Media

9:15am - 10:30am

Social Media Presentations

10:30 am-10:45 am

Keynote: Mobile

11:00am - 11:55am

Mobile Presentations

12:00 pm–12:15 pm


12:15pm - 1:30pm


1:30pm – 3:30pm

Roundtable Events

Breakout to small rooms for candid roundtable conversations about trending topics. Each roundtable will allow up to 25 additional attendees in the room, who can participate in the conversation in a Q&A session.

Social Media — Innovation and growth trends as social media continues going mainstream.

Social Media — The Twitter ecosystem.

Social Media Marketing and Analytics — As social media is finally being truly embraced by the masses, this roundtable will focus on content creation and distribution, monetization, as well as continued technological evolution.

Mobile Social Media — Brands and companies discuss current experimentation in digital and social advertising and on-going shifts in mindsets and dollars.

Mobile Apps — Game-changers and traditional players meet to discuss an ever changing industry.

Mobile Marketing and Advertising — Growth trends and use cases.

3:30pm – 4:00pm


4:00pm – 6:15pm

Networking and 1-on-1 Meetings

Meet with the companies you found interesting for one on one sessions or simply hangout with like-minded people looking to meet and explore collaboration opportunities.


Event Closes

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