The Baltimore Washington Tech December Meetup

The Baltimore Washington Tech Meetup
29-30 Dec 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Ellicott City, US

Please join us for our November / December Tech Meetup at Ellicott Mills Brewing Company on December 10th at 6:30pm.

The Baltimore Washington Tech Meetup is pleased to have Ron McCandless, David Robson, and Raphael Mudge presenting technology driven topics. Each speaker will present their topic for 10-15 minutes.

Project Communications: From Face-to-Face to Google Wave --

-- Postponed --

Teachers' Community -- is a teacher planning platform. K-12 teachers can access baked-in instructional programs or create their own courses...then share lessons and schedules with other teachers. We'll demonstrate the application, which is under active development and ready for feedback and suggestions.

Presenter: David Robson,

After the Deadline: Proofreading for the Web -- After the Deadline is an open source proofreading system for use in web applications. It uses AI to correct spelling, detect misused words, and offer smart grammar and style suggestions. After the Deadline has corrected over a million posts on WordPress. Raphael will demonstrate this technology and briefly discuss how you can add it to an application. [i] Presenter: Raphael Mudge,[/i]

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“The trouble with programmers is that you can never tell what a programmer is doing until it's too late.” - Seymour Cray