Five Tips To Make Good Object-Oriented Code Better with Brandon Savage

The Baltimore/Washington PHP Meetup Group
20-21 Jan 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Columbia, US

For the January PHP user group meeting we will have Brandon Savage speaking. This talk is fresh off the holiday season! If you write object oriented PHP code, you have to listen to this talk.

As more and more PHP applications move into the object-oriented paradigm, good design is crucial. Concepts like dependency injection, testing, use of interfaces and abstraction are important ideas that deserve consideration in the development of these applications. "Five Tips To Make Good Object-Oriented Code Better" is a discussion of five concepts in the object-oriented paradigm that help improve the stability, structure and maintainability of object-oriented code in PHP. The speaker, Brandon Savage, is a five-year veteran of PHP with experience working on large object-oriented applications, and currently runs Blueprint DC, based in Washington.

We are meeting in our normal location, at our normal time. Pizza and soda are provided by OmniTI. Come hungry with your PHP hats on. I hope to see everyone there!

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