Special Meetup with world renowned Author Mr.Subroto Bagchi, Vice Chairman, Mind

The Bangalore LAMP Meetup Group
Sat, 9 Jan 2010, 10:00 - 12:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
The Infantry Hotel (3 Star Hotel) , 560001, IN

Subroto Bagchi is best known for co-founding MindTree in 1999 where he started as the Chief Operating Officer. MindTree is among India's most admired companies across industries. In 2008, Bagchi took on the role of Gardener at MindTree.

He has written extensively in leading newspapers and magazines, and spoken at industry platforms and educational institutions the world over. His Businessworld column Arbor Mentis and Times of India column Times of Mind were widely read and discussed. Currently, he writes a column titled “Zen Garden” in Forbes India. Bagchi is on the Board of Governors of the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.

Bagchi has authored three business best-sellers: The High Performance Entrepreneur, Go Kiss the World and The Professional as Penguin Portfolio books.

Date : Jan 9 2010 at 3.30 PM
The Infantry Hotel (3 Star Hotel)
No.66, Infantry Road,
Bangalore - 560001
080 - 25591800

Note: Rs.200 includes Venue charge, Coffee and Snacks, You will also be getting Gift Vouchers and Discount Vouchers worth more than Rs.500 as Complimentary as mentioned below:


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