JavaEE 6 new and noteworthy

The Vancouver Java Users Group
Wed, 27 Jan 2010, 02:30 - 04:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
St. Augustine's , Vancouver, CA

Arun Gupta (http://blog.arungupta...) from Sun Microsystems has agreed to do a WebEX presentation for VanJUG about "What's new in JavaEE 6 and Glassfish V3" on January 26th ath 6:30pm. Arun has assured me that the WebEx format works well for a 2-way interactive presentation (ie. it allows for questions).

While we can all tune into this WebEx from our homes/offices, I thought it would be good to get together and watch it collectively. I can offer up the Auditorium at TRIUMF (on the UBC campus) as a venue, if people are interested in getting together for this. I could also arrange a tour of the TRIUMF site (including the ATLAS LHC computing facility) should anyone be interested.

If you would like to view the WebEX presentation at TRIUMF, please R.S.V.P. me (or use the meetup facility on to indicate you will be present. I'd like some idea of how many people we can expect on site.

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