Crowdsourcing Change

Net Tuesday Philly Meetup
2-3 Feb 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Philadelphia, US

Phily NetSquared is seeking nonprofits, activists or social entrepreneurs to be presenters/case-studies for our February 2nd Net Tuesday event.

February's Net Tuesday will be a highly participatory event where a few "Social Changers" who are using --or trying to use -- the social web for the common good will have the opportunity to tap into the skills, talent and experience of all attendees. (The center city location will be announced shortly.)

The way it will work is that selected presenters (nonprofits,activists, social entrepreneurs) will first explain the change they are trying to achieve through social media. Attendees, with the help of a moderator, will then provide feedback, ideas, constructive criticism and concrete instructions to help you succeed.

Attendees will include people with a great deal of expertise and experience in the the nonprofit and social media world, so this is a great opportunity for those who are selected.

Some of the questions you can have answered are:

  • How can my project, program or idea be improved with social media?
  • What am I doing right? What am I doing wrong? What else do I need to do?
  • How can I reach more people and have more of an impact?
  • How effective is my current web presence and how can I use my website more effectively?
  • How can I make better use Facebook, Twitter, Blogging and other social tools?
  • How can I find help such as participants, volunteers, funding, etc?

Those working for nonprofits, social entrepreneurs, activists or people with an idea that they want make a reality can apply to present. Those selected will be asked to give a brief (5 to 10 minute) presentation on what it is they are trying to achieve, which will be followed by a moderated session in which attendees can offer suggestions to help you succeed. Information about selected projects will be made available the week before Net Tuesday for people to think about ahead of time if they want.

Only three people will be selected.

Would you like to present?

Presentation submission open until Thursday, January 22

If you are interested in presenting, please fill out this form

Who should attend?

  • Nonprofits and activists who have used the social web: Come share your insights about what has and hasn’t worked for you in the past, and learn about considerations for more effectively using social media in the future.
  • Nonprofits and activists who have NOT used the social web: Come share your perspectives, and learn how to think about applying social media to your own situations.
  • Social web gurus, designers and techies who work with the social web: Come share your experience, learn from other pros and learn more about the perspectives and expectations of nonprofits, social entrepreneurs and social change activists who want to use social media for social change.

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