Advertising with Facebook?

Thu, 28 Jan 2010, 00:00 - 02:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Sabor A Mexico , Brandon, US

I'm back from Miami and my sickness! And this week we have a SUPER special guest!

We are honored to have Chris Krimitsos, the founder of TWBAOnline and social media innovator, come to talk to us about the power of Facebook!

Yes, that is right Facebook. I know many of us are still trying to understand the point of Facebook, especially how it relates to business. That is why I am bringing in the man who has unlocked the mystery and has successfully used Facebook to promote events, launch products and create a powerful brand presence.

You can't turn your back on the social media revolution. It is here and you don't want to be left behind!

Come prepared to take notes and ask questions!

See you Wednesday!



P.S. He also let it slip that he will be bringing an extra special guest with him, who I am sure you will want to meet!

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