SEO is the art of designing and promoting websites in such a way as to rank high in search engine results. Search engines are a major source of free traffic. The higher your site ranks, the more free traffic you get. Therefore it is absolutely critical that you grasp how search engines work and how you can improve your rankings. Equally critical is to understand how to avoid doing something inadvertently that will get you banned from the search engines.
The field of SEO is complex and ever-changing. You could waste a lot of time and money on esoteric techniques that produce short term results or worse, get your site banned for trying to manipulate the search engines. That's why in this fast-paced, content-filled presentation, we'll focus on tried and true fundamentals; the key things you MUST know and the most critical actions you MUST take to maximize your exposure in the search engines.
Here's some of what you'll learn:
- how search engines work
- why keyword research is critical
- how to discover which keywords are most important for your site
- the top 3 things you MUST include in your site's HTML code
- what key factors in your site's design and content effect your search engine ranking
- other actions you can take to improve your position
If you have a website or are planning to develop one, you don't want to miss this event. Even if you know a little about SEO, it's important that you attend. That's because small changes to your site can make a huge difference in the amount of traffic you get from search engines, and so even if you just pick up one new tip, it can lead to a dramatic improvement in results
Once again, we're offering this valuable content for free to members of this meetup group as a way of introducing you to other resources and training opportunities. But seating is limited, and we expect this topic
to be popular, so reserve your spot now. As always, we'll reserve time before the presentation for networking.
Our speaker is Nadir Hussain, MSEE, MBA who teaches the very popular and highly acclaimed course at Stanford University: Running Profitable Internet Ad Campaigns
Nadir is also co-founder and COO of Media Flint, a search engine marketing agency which helps businesses launch and optimize Internet ad campaigns. His perspective is based on hands-on experience with techniques that are producing results today for his clients.
6:30 pm Open Networking
7:00 pm Featured Presentation
9:30 pm Event Conclusion